What is acceptable to wear to a job interview?

A few years ago the only acceptable attire for a job interview would have been formal work wear, such as a suit. However, as times have changed and work dress codes have become more relaxed, it often seems much trickier to dress appropriately for an interview – you don't want to sit uncomfortably in a shirt and tie while your interviewer relaxes in jeans, or vice versa for that matter! Wearing the wrong thing may damage your chances of landing the perfect role as it can portray a lack of understanding about the business you wish to work in.

Do your homework

With that in mind, do some research! If the company you have an interview with has a website, check out their team section for staff pictures. Hopefully this will provide an idea of how they dress at their smartest, which is a good indicator for what you should aim for. If you find no joy here, try LinkedIn to see if that sheds any more light. If you are unsure then select something that will work in a both smart and slightly more casual way, the addition of a tailored or suit jacket can really up the ante and make your look much smarter if you feel this is required when you arrive.

Be comfortable

It is important to choose something that you feel comfortable in; and by that we don't mean your favorite tracksuit bottoms! Your attire should fit well – not too loose and not too tight – and choose fabrics that wont crease easily, you don't want to arrive looking crumpled! Whatever you select should make you feel confident and you shouldn't feel the need to readjust your outfit in any way.

Don't clash or mismatch

Select plain clothing and avoid prints, mismatching colours, or loud accessories ­– always remember that your outfit shouldn't do any talking for you!

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