Things to consider when completing a job application

While you might have spent time perfecting your CV and cover letter up to make sure they are up to date and ready to make you shine, some jobs will also require an application form, too.

Our first piece of advice here is not to ignore this part - you’d be surprised how many people think it’s fine to skip the application form and just send in their CV. This shows a lack of attention to detail and also portrays laziness, two traits you do not want a potential employer to attribute to you.

Let’s get started…

While most application forms will include much of the standard information that can be found on a CV, such as personal details, education and employment history, most will also serve a specific purpose for the role in question.

Before you begin, take some time to read the entire form first. There may be some sections that require similar but different answers and it is wise to give these some thought to avoid repetition.

When you sit down to complete the form, make sure you have plenty of time, this is not something that you should rush. Keep your answers short and to the point, avoiding long, waffling answers. We recommend injecting some personality where appropriate to help your application stand out, but always keep it professional.

As we always suggest, ask someone else to read over your application form before you submit it. Request that they double check your spelling and grammar but also seek their opinion as to whether there are any areas where you could highlight your skills and strengths in a better way.

Finally, rather than seeing the application form as a chore, view it as another opportunity to make yourself stand out from crowd!

To learn more about the importance of application forms and CVs, speak to one of our team today.

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